Saturday, September 10, 2016

Differences Between Love and Lust

Is it possible to differentiate between when you're in love with someone and when you lust after someone?

      Sometimes it's easy to confuse the two. Most of us think we know when we're in love, but I'm not sure we're as self-aware when it comes to lust.

Lust is straight-up unbridled, physical attraction driven mostly by our sexual desires. It's wild, it's hot, and it's fun. And sometimes, those feelings can stick — but often they're fleeting because the heart may or may not be involved.

Love, on the other hand, involves giving yourself entirely, fully, without question to another person for a long time. It's often about caring and forming an emotional connection beyond sexual attraction. The heart is usually involved.

Love is complicated. Lust? Maybe not so much.

Scientifically speaking, lust is actually an altered state of consciousness driven by our primal urge to procreate. Sounds kind of animalistic, right? There's also the whole "honeymoon phase" thing. Dr. Judith Orloff explains that lust is fueled by an idealization of a person in that time and place. We often subconsciously put on blinders to their flaws. She says that can quickly go away once we turn those blinders off and the "real person" emerges.

When you're in love, however, you tend to see the bigger picture — warts and all — and you still choose to engage further than just physically by getting to know the person. There is no idealization. You're present and have your eyes, heart, and mind wide open.

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